Your support means a lot to us. Your generous help goes a long way in saving the lives of children and women in Africa. When we build healthcare capacities we are laying the foundation to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Healthy individuals can build a strong community. If you would like to contribute to a better future, you can donate a one-time amount or a regular amount through any of our payment channels.

Online Donations

You can make an online bank transfer to our account. Just send us an email so that we can send you the details and don't miss your valuable contribution.


Or if you prefer sending a check, please make it payable to the Center for Public Health and Development and mail it to the attention of the Finance Department. It is not necessary that you can help only with money. If you like creating a buzz, then we will appreciate any fundraising event that you can generate on our behalf.


Do you want to be a partner in any of our programs? You are welcome to get in touch with our office to make your idea come true.


You can also save a life by spreading the word about us through social media, at public events, online forums, or simply by telling people around you about us. If you need any material, we can email you details of our programs.